1. 600 V, Low-Leakage AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT on Bulk GaN Substrates
M. Alshahed, M. Alomari, C. Harendt,J. N. Burghartz, C. Wächter, T. Bergunde, S. Lutgen
Conference ESSDERC 2016, to be published
1. Physik-Nobelpreis 2014 für blaue LEDs – Neue Lichtquellen erobern unseren Alltag
S. Lutgen
Conference 30. Hochschultage Physik Lumen, Lux und Lichterglanz at Philipps University Marburg
2. Excellent uniformity on large diameter GaN on silicon LED wafer
Andrea Pinos, Wei‐Sin Tan, Ashay Chitnis, Atsushi Nishikawa, Lars Groh, Cheng‐Yu Hu, Saad Murad, Stephan Lutgen
Conference ICNS 2013, physica status solidi (c) 02/2014.
3. GaN-on-Si wafers for HEMTs with high power-driving capability
Cheng‐Yu Hu, Saad Murad, Atsushi Nishikawa, Lars Groh, Andrea Pinos, Weisin Tan, Ashay Chitnis, Victor Sizov, Takuma Yagi, Stephan Lutgen
Conference ICNS 2013, physica status solidi (c) 02/2014; 11(3‐4).
4. 200-mm GaN-on-Si Based Blue Light-Emitting Diode Wafer with High Emission Uniformity
Atsushi Nishikawa, Lars Groh, William Solari, Stephan Lutgen
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 08/2013; 52(8).
5. HEMT test structure technology for fast on-wafer characterization of epitaxial GaN-on-Si material
M. Schuster, A. Wachowiak, N. Szabo, A. Jahn, U. Merkel, A. Ruf, T. Mikolajick, S. Murad, C. Hu, L. Groh, S. Lutgen
Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), 2013.
6. 2D-composition mapping in InGaN without electron beam induced clustering of indium by STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging
Andreas Rosenauer, Thorsten Mehrtens, Knut Müller, Katharina Gries, Marco Schowalter, Stephanie Bley, Parlapalli Venkata Satyam, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, Stephan Lutgen
Journal of Physics Conference Series 11/2011; 326(1):012040.
7. Investigation of long wavelength green InGaN lasers on c-plane GaN up to 529 nm continuous wave operation
Jens Müller, Uwe Strauß, Teresa Lermer, Georg Brüderl, Christoph Eichler, Adrian Avramescu, Stephan Lutgen
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 07/2011; 208(7).
8. Thermal resistance, gain, and antiguiding factor of GaN‐based cyan laser diodes
W. G. Scheibenzuber, U. T. Schwarz, T. Lermer, S. Lutgen, U. Strauss
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 06/2011; 208(7):1600 – 1602.
9. Recent Progress in Direct Green Lasers for Mobile Image Projectors
Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Christoph Eichler, Georg Bruederl, Jens Müller, Sönke Tautz, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. 06/2011; 42(1).
10. Interdependency of surface morphology and wavelength fluctuations of indium-rich InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Teresa Lermer, Ines Pietzonka, Adrian Avramescu, Georg Brüderl, Jens Müller, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 05/2011; 208(5).
11. Pros and cons of green InGaN laser on c‐plane GaN
Uwe Strauß, Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Désirée Queren, Alvaro Gomez‐Iglesias, Christoph Eichler, Jens Müller, Georg Brüderl, Stephan Lutgen
physica status solidi (b) 02/2011; 248(3):652 – 657.
12. Recent results of blue and green InGaN laser diodes for laser projection
Stephan Lutgen, Dimitri Dini, Ines Pietzonka, Soenke Tautz, Andreas Breidenassel, Alfred Lell, Adrian Avramescu, Christoph Eichler, Teresa Lermer, Jens Müller, Georg Bruederl, Alvaro Gomez-Iglesias
Proc SPIE 02/2011.
13. Gain of blue and cyan InGaN laser diodes
T. Lermer, A. Gomez-Iglesias, M. Sabathil, J. Müller, S. Lutgen, U. Strauss, B. Pasenow, J. Hader, J. V. Moloney, S. W. Koch, W. Scheibenzuber, U. T. Schwarz
Applied Physics Letters 01/2011; 98(2):021115-021115-3.
14. Interdependency of surface morphology and wavelength fluctuations of indium-rich InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Teresa Lermer, Ines Pietzonka, Adrian Avramescu, Georg Brüderl, Jens Müller, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
physica status solidi (a) 01/2011; 208:1199-1202.
15. Antiguiding factor of GaN-based laser diodes from UV to green
W. Scheibenzuber, U. Schwarz, T. Lermer, S. Lutgen, U. Strauss
Applied Physics Letters 07/2010.
16. True green InGaN laser diodes
Stephan Lutgen, Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Desiree Queren, Jens Müller, Georg Bruederl, Uwe Strauss
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 05/2010; 207(6):1318 – 1322.
17. Waveguide design of green InGaN laser diodes
Teresa Lermer, Marc Schillgalies, Andreas Breidenassel, Désirée Queren, Christoph Eichler, Adrian Avramescu, Jens Müller, Wolfgang Scheibenzuber, Ulrich Schwarz, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials 05/2010; 207(6):1328 – 1331.
18. Gain analysis of blue nitride-based lasers by small signal modulation
J. Müller, M. Scheubeck, M. Sabathil, G. Brüderl, D. Dini, S. Tautz, T. Lermer, A. Breidenassel, S. Lutgen
Applied Physics Letters 03/2010; 96(13):131105-131105-3.
19. Measurement of composition profiles in III-nitrides by quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy
A Rosenauer, K Gries, K Müller, M Schowalter, A Pretorius, A Avramescu, K Engl, S Lutgen
Journal of Physics Conference Series 02/2010; 209(1):012009.
20. Progress of blue and green InGaN laser diodes
Stephan Lutgen, Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Marc Schillgalies, Desiree Queren, Jens Müller, Dimitri Dini, Andreas Breidenassel, Uwe Strauss
Proc SPIE 02/2010.
21. Analytical methods to study loss mechanisms and lifetime investigations of blue InGaN laser diodes
J. Müller, G. Brüderl, M. Schillgalies, A. Breidenassel, S. Tautz, D. Dini, T. Lermer, S. Lutgen, U. Strauß
Proc SPIE 02/2010.
22. High-performance at low cost: the challenge manufacturing frequency doubled green semiconductor lasers for mass markets
T. Hoefer, M. Schmitt, T. Schwarz, M. Kuehnelt, R. Schulz, I. Pietzonka, H. Lindberg, C. Lauer, S. Lutgen, U. Steegmueller, U. Strauss
Proc SPIE 02/2010.
23. True Green Laser Diodes at 524 nm with 50 mW Continuous Wave Output Power on c-Plane GaN
Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Jens Müller, Christoph Eichler, Georg Bruederl, Matthias Sabathil, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
Applied Physics Express – APPL PHYS EXPRESS. 01/2010; 3(6).
24. Supermodes in Broad Ridge (Al,In)GaN Laser Diodes
H. Braun, S. Rogowsky, U.T. Schwarz, S. Bruninghoff, A. Lell, S. Lutgen, U. Strauss
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 10/2009.
25. InGaN laser diodes with 50 mW output power emitting at 515 nm
Adrian Avramescu, Teresa Lermer, Jens Muller, Sonke Tautz, Desiree Queren, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe StrauB
Applied Physics Letters 09/2009.
26. Burn-in mechanism of 450 nm InGaN ridge laser test structures
Jens Müller, Georg Brüderl, Marc Schillgalies, Sönke Tautz, Dimitri Dini, Andreas Breidenassel, Bastian Galler, Stephan Lutgen
Applied Physics Letters 08/2009; 95(5):051104-051104-3.
27. 8 W single-emitter InGaN laser in pulsed operation
Stefanie Brüninghoff, Christoph Eichler, Sönke Tautz, Alfred Lell, Matthias Sabathil, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauß
physica status solidi (a) 06/2009; 206(6):1149-1152.
28. Measurement of specimen thickness and composition in Al(x)Ga(1-x)N/GaN using high-angle annular dark field images.
Andreas Rosenauer, Katharina Gries, Knut Müller, Angelika Pretorius, Marco Schowalter, Adrian Avramescu, Karl Engl, Stephan Lutgen
Ultramicroscopy 06/2009; 109(9):1171-82.
29. On the origin of IQE‐‘droop’ in InGaN LEDs
Ansgar Laubsch, Matthias Sabathil, Werner Bergbauer, Martin Strassburg, Hans Lugauer, Matthias Peter, Stephan Lutgen, Norbert Linder, Klaus Streubel, Jörg Hader, Jerome V. Moloney, Bernhard Pasenow, Stephan W. Koch
physica status solidi (c) 05/2009; 6(S2):S913 – S916.
30. Quality and thermal stability of thin InGaN films
Désirée Queren, Marc Schillgalies, Adrian Avramescu, Georg Brüderl, Ansgar Laubsch, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauß
Journal of Crystal Growth 05/2009.
31. 500 nm electrically driven InGaN based laser diodes
Desiree Queren, Adrian Avramescu, Georg Bruderl, Andreas Breidenassel, Marc Schillgalies, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
Applied Physics Letters 02/2009; 94:081119–3.
32. Temperature dependence of blue InGaN lasers
Stefanie Brüninghoff, Sönke Tautz, Matthias Sabathil, Désirée Queren, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauß
Proc SPIE 02/2009.
33. Auger losses in GaN‐based quantum wells: Microscopic theory
B. Pasenow, S. W. Koch, J. Hader, J. V. Moloney, M. Sabathil, N. Linder, S. Lutgen
physica status solidi (c) 01/2009; 6(S2):S864 – S868.
34. Epitaxial design of 475 nm InGaN laser diodes with reduced wavelength shift
Désirée Queren, Adrian Avramescu, Marc Schillgalies, Matthias Peter, Tobias Meyer, Georg Brüderl, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauß
physica status solidi (c) 01/2009; 6(S2):S826 – S829.
35. Recent progress in blue/green InGaN laser diodes
A. Avramescu, S. Lutgen, D. Queren, M. Schillgalies, C. Eichler, D. Dimitri, G. Bruderl, A. Breidenassel, A. Lell, U. Strauss
Lasers and Electro-Optics 2009 and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. CLEO Europe – EQEC 2009
36. Time resolved measurement of longitudinal mode competition in 405 nm (Al,In)GaN laser diodes
Bernd Schmidtke, Harald Braun, Ulrich T. Schwarz, Désirée Queren, Marc Schillgalies, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauß
physica status solidi (c) 01/2009; 6.
37. On the importance of radiative and Auger losses in GaN-based quantum wells
J. Hader, J. V. Moloney, B. Pasenow, S. W. Koch, M. Sabathil, N. Linder, S. Lutgen
Applied Physics Letters 07/2008; 92(26).
38. Spectral dynamics of 405 nm (Al,In)GaN laser diodes grown on GaN and SiC substrate.
Tobias Meyer, Harald Braun, Ulrich T Schwarz, Sönke Tautz, Marc Schillgalies, Stephan Lutgen, Uwe Strauss
Optics Express 06/2008; 16(10):6833-45.
39. High power semiconductor disk laser with monolithically integrated pump lasers
Wolfgang Diehl, Tony Albrecht, Peter Brick, Michael Furitsch, Stefan Illek, Stephan Lutgen, Ines Pietzonka, Johann Luft, Wolfgang Stolz
Proc SPIE 05/2008.
40. Beam quality of blue InGaN laser for projection
Uwe Strauss, Christoph Eichler, Christian Rumbolz, Alfred Lell, Stephan Lutgen, Sönke Tautz, Marc Schillgalies, Stefanie Brüninghoff
physica status solidi (c) 03/2008; 5(6):2077 – 2079.
41. True-blue InGaN laser for pico size projectors
U. Strauβ, S. Brüninghoff, M. Schillgalies, C. Vierheilig, N. Gmeinwieser, V. Kümmler, G. Brüderl, S. Lutgen, A. Avramescu, D. Queren, D. Dini, C. Eichler, A. Lell, U. T. Schwarz
Proc SPIE 03/2008.
42. Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2008
U. Strauβ, S. Brüninghoff, M. Schillgalies, C. Vierheilig, N. Gmeinwieser, V. Kümmler, G. Brüderl, S. Lutgen, A. Avramescu, D. Queren, D. Dini, C. Eichler, A. Lell, U. T. Schwarz
43. Multi-quantum well emission from blue InGaN-based laser
M. Schillgalies, A. Laubsch, M. Sabathil, A. Avramescu, S. Lutgen, U. Strauss
44. Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser With Monolithically Integrated Pump Lasers
S. Illek, T. Albrecht, P. Brick, S. Lutgen, I. Pietzonka, M. Furitsch, W. Diehl, J. Luft, K. Streubel
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 01/2008.
45. Defect-related recombination in InGaN-lasers
M. Schillgalies, A. Laubsch, St. Lutgen, A. Avramescu, G. Brüderl, D. Queren, U. Strauss
physica status solidi (c) 01/2008; 5(6):2192-2194.
46. Measurement of the internal quantum efficiency of InGaN quantum wells
A. Laubsch, M. Sabathil, G. Bruederl, J. Wagner, M. Strassburg, E. Baur, Harald Braun, Uli Schwarz, A. Lell, S. Lutgen, N. Linder, R. Oberschmid, B. Hahn
Proc SPIE 03/2007.
47. High Power Semiconductor Disk Lasers
S. Illek, P. Brick, W. Diehl, M. Furitsch, S. Lutgen, I. Pietzonka, W. Reill, J. Luft
Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2006. LEOS 2006. 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE; 11/2006.
48. Progress in Small-Form-Factor Lasers for Projection Displays
U. Steegmueller, M. Kuehnelt, J. Luft, S. Lutgen, W. Schmid
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 01/2006; 37(1).
49. High Power Semiconductor Disk Lasers
P. Brick, T. Albrecht, W. Diehl, M. Engl, M. Kuhnelt, N. Linder, J. Luft, S. Lutgen, W. Reill, W. Schmid, U. Steegmuller, B. Kunert, S. Reinhard, K. Volz, W. Stolz
Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on; 09/2005.
50. 0.7 W CW output power from a green semiconductor disk laser
S. Lutgen, M. Kuehnelt, U. Steegmueller, P. Brick, T. Albrecht, W. Reill, J. Luft, B. Kunert, S. Reinhard, K. Volz, W. Stolz
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on; 07/2005.
51. High efficient OPS-disk lasers with quantum-well pumping
S. Lutgen, W. Diehl, P. Brick, T. Albrecht, W. Reill, J. Luft
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on; 07/2005.
52. Efficient quantum-well pumping of semiconductor disk lasers at 920 nm
T. Albrecht, W. Diehl, P. Brick, W. Reill, S. Lutgen, J. Luft
Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. (CLEO). Conference on; 06/2005.
53. Efficient Quantum-Well Pumping of Disk Lasers at 920nm
Tony Albrecht, Wolfgang Diehl, Peter Brick, Wolfgang Reill, Stephan Lutgen, Johann Luft
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 05/2005.
54. 0.7W Green Frequency Doubled Semiconductor Disk Laser
P. Brick, S. Lutgen, M. Kuehnelt, U. Steegmueller, T. Albrecht, W. Reill, J. Luft, W. Späth, B. Kunert, S. Reinhard, K. Volz, W. Stolz
55. Green semiconductor disk laser with 0.7W cw output power
Stephan Lutgen, Michael Kuehnelt, Ulrich Steegmueller, Peter Brick, Tony Albrecht, Wolfgang Reill, Johann Luft, Bernadette Kunert, Stefan Reinhard, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz
Proc SPIE 01/2005; 5737:109-112.
56. 52.4: High Speed Green Frequency Converted Semiconductor Laser for Projection Displays
U. Steegmüller, M. Kühnelt, F. Singer, T. Schwarz, T. Albrecht, S. Lutgen, W. Reill, J. Luft, P. Brick
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 01/2005; 36(1).
57. Multiwatt semiconductor disk lasers for near-infrared wavelengths
Peter Brick, Stephan Lutgen, Tony Albrecht, Wolfgang Reill, Johann Luft, Werner Spath, Bernardette Kunert, Stefan Reinhard, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz
Proc SPIE 09/2004.
58. Multi-Watt semiconductor disk lasers for near-infrared wavelengths
Peter Brick, Stephan Lutgen, Tony Albrecht, Wolfgang Reill, Johann Luft, Werner Späth, Bernardette Kunert, Stefan Reinhard, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Osram Opto Semiconductors, Regensburg, Germany, 01/2004.
59. 3W cw output power from an optically pumped semiconductor disk laser at 1050 nm
S. Lutgen, P. Brick, W. Reill, T. Albrecht, J. Luft, W. Spath, B. Kunert, S. Reinhard, K. Volz, W. Stolz
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 01/2004.
60. Experimental and theoretical analysis of optically pumped semiconductor disk lasers
A. R. Zakharian, J. Hader, J. V. Moloney, S. W. Koch, P. Brick, S. Lutgen
Applied Physics Letters 09/2003.
61. Power scaling of high efficiency optically pumped semiconductor disk laser
S. Lutgen, T. Albrecht, P. Brick, W. Reill, J. Luft, W. Spath
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe. 2003 Conference on; 07/2003.
62. High-efficiency high-power semiconductor disc laser
Peter Brick, Stephan Lutgen, Tony Albrecht, Johann Luft, Werner Späth
Proc SPIE 06/2003.
63. 8-W high-efficiency continuous-wave semiconductor disk laser at 1000 nm
S. Lutgen, T. Albrecht, P. Brick, W. Reill, J. Luft, W. Späth
Applied Physics Letters 05/2003; 82(21):3620-3622.
64. High cw power-and high brightness from an optically pumped semiconductor disk laser
S. Lutgen, T. Albrecht, P. Brick, W. Reill, J. Luft, W. Spath
Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2003. CLEO ’03. Conference on; 01/2003.
65. Modeling and experimental result analysis for high-power VECSELs
Aramais R. Zakharian, Joerg Hader, Jerome V. Moloney, Stephan W. Koch, Stephan Lutgen, Peter Brick, Tony Albrecht, Stefan Grötsch, Johann Luft, Werner Späth
Proc SPIE 01/2003; 4993:104-110.
66. Performance and reliability of oxide confined VCSELs
T. Wipiejewski, H.D. Wolf, L. Korte, W. Huber, G. Kristen, C. Hoyler, H. Hedrich, O. Kleinbub, M. Popp, J. Kaindl, A. Rieger, T. Albrecht, J. Mueller, A. Orth, Z. Spika, S. Lutgen, H. Pflaeging, J. Harrasser
Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1999. 1999 Proceedings. 49th; 02/1999.
67. Ultrafast heating and cooling of electron plasmas in GaInAs/AlInAs quantum wells after intersubband excitation
Stephan Lutgen, Robert A. Kaindl, Michael Woerner, Andreas Hase, Harald Künzel
Solid State Communications 05/1998; 106(7):425-429.
68. Ultrafast coherent and incoherent dynamics of intersubband excitations in quasi-two-dimensional semiconductors
Thomas Elsaesser, Robert A. Kaindl, Stephan Lutgen, Michael Woerner, Andreas Hase, Harald Kuenzel
Proc SPIE 04/1998; 3277:2-9.
69. Ultrafast Dephasing of Coherent Intersubband Polarizations in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Plasma
Robert A. Kaindl, Stephan Lutgen, Michael Woerner, Thomas Elsaesser, Bernd Nottelmann, Vollrath Martin Axt, Tilmann Kuhn, Andreas Hase, Harald Künzel
Physical Review Letters 04/1998; 80(16):3575-3578.
70. Coherent Intersubband Polarizations in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Plasma Studied by Femtosecond Four-Wave-Mixing in the Mid-Infrared
R. A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Künzel
Physica Status Solidi (b) 11/1997; 204(1):27-30.
71. Femtosecond Dynamics Of Coherent Intersubband Polarizations In Quantum Wells Studied In Mid-infrared Four-wave-mixing Experiments
M. Woerner, R. A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Kunzel
72. Ultrafast Dynamics of Nonlinear Intersubband Absorption in n-Type Modulation Doped GaInAs/AlInAs Quantum Wells
R. A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Künzel
Physica Status Solidi (b) 01/1997; 204(1):212-214.
73. Nonlinear intersubband absorption of a hot quasi-two-dimensional electron plasma studied by femtosecond infrared spectroscopy
S Lutgen, RA Kaindl, M Woerner, T Elsaesser, A Hase, H Künzel
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 54, R17343-R17346 12/1996.
74. Investigations of the structural stability of highly strained [(Al)GaIn]As/Ga (PAs) multiple quantum wells
T. Marschner, S. Lutgen, M. Volk, W. Stolz, E. O. Gobel
Applied Physics Letters 11/1996.
75. Nonequilibrium Dynamics in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Plasma after Ultrafast Intersubband Excitation.
S Lutgen, RA Kaindl, M Woerner, T Elsaesser, A Hase, H Künzel, M Gulia, D Meglio, P Lugli
Physical Review Letters 11/1996; 77(17):3657-3660.
76. 1 kHz solid state laser system for the generation of 50 fs pulses tunable in the visible
M. Sueptitz, R. A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, E. Riedle
Optics Communications 10/1996; 131(1):195-202.
77. Strain induced self organized growth of lateral periodic strained layer superlattices on off-oriented substrates by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
T. Marschner, L Tapfer, N. Y Jin-Phillipp, F Phillipp, S Lutgen, M Volk, W Stolz, E. O Göbel
Solid-state Electronics – SOLID STATE ELECTRON. 01/1996; 40(1):819-823.
78. Magnetooptical investigations of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As Ga(PAs) multiple quantum well structures
M. Volk, S Lutgen, T Marschner, W Stolz, E. O Göbel, P. C. M Christianen, J. C Maan
Solid-State Electronics 01/1996; 40(1):585-589.
79. Tunable 50 fs pulses in the visible by up-conversion of parametrically generated pulses in the near-infrared.
M. Sueptitz, R. A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, E. Riedle
in: Ultrafast Phenomena X Springer Series in Chemical Physics 01/1996; 62:36-37.
80. Intersubband scattering and thermalization of electrons in GaInAs/AlInAs quantum wells studied by femtosecond infrared spectroscopy
S. Lutgen, R. Kaindl, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Kunzel
81. Femtosecond spectroscopy of hot carriers in low-dimensional semiconductors
M. Woerner, S. Lutgen, R. Kaindl, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Künzel
In Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy (Eds. O. Svelto, S. De Silvestri, and G. Denardo), New York and London. Plenum Press, 249-253 (1996): pages 249-253; , ISBN: 978-1-4615-5897-2.
82. Ultrafast inter- and intrasubband dynamics of electrons in quantum wells after mid-infrared excitation
S. Lutgen, R. A. Kaindl, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Künzel, M. Gulia, D. Meglio, P. Lugli
in: 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors [ICPS] (Eds. M. Scheffler, and R. Zimmermann) ISBN: 9810227779 Singapore. World Scientific Publishing, 785-788, 01/1996.
83. Inter-subband Scattering and Thermalization of Electrons in Quantum Wells Studied with Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Pulses
M. Woerner, S. Lutgen, R. A. Kaindl, T. Elsaesser, A. Hase, H. Künzel
in: Ultrafast Phenomena X Springer Series in Chemical Physics 01/1996; 62:395-397.
84. Carrier effective masses in symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) multiple-quantum-well structures.
M Volk, S Lutgen, T Marschner, W Stolz, EO Göbel, PC Christianen, JC Maan
Physical review. B, Condensed matter 11/1995; 52(15):11096-11104.
85. Atomic incorporation efficiencies for strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) superlattice structures grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
S. Lutgen
Journal of Crystal Growth 06/1995; 152(1-2):1-13.
86. Femtosecond Studies of Intramolecular Proton Transfer in the Condensed Phase
C. Chudoba, S. Lutgen, T. Jentzsch, M. Woerner, M. Pfeiffer, E. Riedle, T. Elsaesser
Book: Laser in Forschung und Technik / Laser in Research and Engineering, pp.175-178, 01/1996
ISBN 978-3-540-61316-9
87. Femtosecond studies of vibrationally hot molecules produced by intramolecular proton transfer in the excited state
C. Chudoba, S. Lutgen, T. Jentzsch, E. Riedle, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser
Chemical Physics Letters 01/1995; 240(1):35-41.
88. Strain-induced changes in epitaxial layer morphology of highly-strained III/V-semiconductor heterostructures
T. Marschner, S. Lutgen, M. Volk, W. Stolz, E. O. Göbel, N. Y. Jin-Phillipp, F. Phillipp
Superlattices and Microstructures 01/1994; 15(2):183-183
89. Optical properties of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) superlattices grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
S. Lutgen, T.F. Albrecht, T. Marschner, W. Stolz, E.O. Göbel
Solid-State Electronics 01/1994; 37:905-909.
90. Metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxial growth of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/Ga(PAs) superlattices
S. Lutgen, T. Marschner, T. Albrecht, W. Stolz, E. Göbel, L. Tapfer
Materials Science and Engineering B-advanced Functional Solid State Materials. 01/1993; 21:249-252